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Tag Archives: diabetes

Acupuncture Offers Hope for Diabetes Management

If you or someone you love suffers from type 2 diabetes, then you understand the challenges that come with this disease. Despite adhering to a medication regimen and making positive lifestyle changes, those dealing with diabetes might still struggle with managing blood sugar levels. Frustration and fatigue can be constant companions. But did you know that acupuncture can help

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Where is your Doctor’s Syringe from?


Safety is a number one concern for AcuMed Wellness & Acupuncture. Injection therapy is a popular treatment. The FDA is warning that some manufacturers who were not authorized to make syringes for distribution in the United States have done so. Concerns about dosage, leaks, breakage, quality, unexpected failures, and unexplained failures have been documented by the FDA. The

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Posted in Acupuncture, diabetes, Facial Rejuvenation, Sports injury, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Weight Loss | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , Comments Off on Where is your Doctor’s Syringe from?
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